Daniele Cucurachi

Daniele Cucurachi

Computational Physicist

EPFL / University of Cambridge

Hi there!

I am a computational physicist with experience in scientific software development and research. My background and research interests span a wide range of exciting problems ranging from machine learning to quantum computing. Currently, I am investigating Quantum Neural Networks (QNNs) trainability at Pasqal.

On the side:

  • I collaborate as an AdVenture Partner with Scientifica VC, a venture capital firm specializing in deep tech startups. I am responsible for identifying innovative technological projects within universities and research departments, fostering potential investments by Scientifica. Feel free to reach out at daniele.cucurachi@scientificavp.it to discuss interesting projects or ideas.
  • I am working on a commentary‑type article for UIS (United Italian Societies) Research Centre, under the supervision of Dr. Enrico Fontana, about the recent downturn in venture capital investments in deep-tech and quantum startups.
  • Algorithms & Complexity
  • Machine Learning
  • Quantum Computing
  • Visiting Student, 2023

    University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)

  • MSc in Applied Physics, 2023

    EPFL - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

  • BS in Physics Engineering, 2020

    Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

Events & Talks


Quantum-enhanced Markov chain Monte Carlo optimisation

Quantum-enhanced proposal distributions, defined by parameterized unitaries, showed potential for outperforming classical strategies in proposing effective moves in Monte Carlo Markov chains (MCMC). However, it is crucial to carefully tune the parameters defining these distributions, as they determine the resulting advantage over the classical counterpart. In the present work, we propose a general optimisation algorithm that exploits estimates of the autocorrelation function of a certain observable to optimise the parameters defining the proposal distributions. A Python simulator of the first version of the algorithm is available on my GitHub.

Supervisors: Prof. Crispin Barnes, Prof. Giuseppe Carleo, Dr. Hugo V. Lepage.

Colleagues: Chris Long

Quantum-enhanced Markov chain Monte Carlo optimisation
Simulation & design of superconducting QPUs

During my internship at IQM Quantum Computers, as part of the DAS Team (Design and Simulation Team), I worked on the development of software tools for automating the simulation and design of superconducting Quantum Processing Units (QPUs). A small part of my contributions can be found here (public projects only).

Supervisors: Dr. Alessandro Landra, Dr. Caspar Ockeloen-Korppi

Simulation & design of superconducting QPUs
Apodization of coupled cavity array for waveguide QED

In the present work we aim to optimize the design of a coupled resonator waveguide QED (Quantum Electrodynamics) to obtain flat transmission on a defined frequency range through apodization of the transmission peaks. Apodized coupled resonator waveguides have been used for filtering applications as they operate as band-pass filters. However, in recent years these devices have captivated more interest because of their possible use in slow light applications.

Supervisor: Prof. Pasquale Scarlino

Colleagues: Dr. Vincent Jouanny, Gabriele Libardi

Apodization of coupled cavity array for waveguide QED
Localized crystallization of Germanium nanowires

This work aims to investigate which are the best rapid thermal annealing (RTA) parameters for crystallizing Germanium nanowires grown on a patterned Silicon substrate, obtaining optimal crystal quality. This is crucial for utilizing the nanowires to produce fully functioning hole spin qubits.

Supervisor: Prof. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral.

Colleagues: Dr. Santhanu Panikar Ramanandan

Localized crystallization of Germanium nanowires


Scientifica VC Thesis Award
Every year Scientifica VC awards grants to the best thesis in STEM subjects. The selected candidates receive a grant of €3,000 and gain access to a mentorship programme on entrepreneurship and the world of startups.


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