Simulation & design of superconducting QPUs

Superconducting chip on PCB.

As a member of the DAS Team (Design and Simulation Team), my work was focused on the development of software tools for automating the design and simulation of superconducting circuits. The design and simulation of superconducting quantum circuits constitutes the core of IQM Quantum Computers work, a company whose focus is mainly on the hardware side of quantum computing. It is a difficult and time consuming process involving several repetitive tasks and increasing levels of complexity. This is why the future of superconducting quantum hardware design is automation. In the past, the majority of university research groups, laboratories and quantum companies have been designing their devices “by hand”. Such approach becomes more and more inefficient and error prone as the number of qubits increases together with the complexity of the chip. It is not a viable options since the ultimate goal is scaling up. Software tools for quantum circuits design and simulation, like the ones developed by IQM, will be essential to reach the quantum advantage by providing scalable solutions for QPUs (Quantum Processing Units) development for the quantum computers of tomorrow.

A small part of my contributions, specifically those made to public projects only, can be found here. The majority of my efforts during the internship were directed towards private IQM projects, limiting what I can showcase. Nevertheless, a concise overview of my contributions and the value I added to the company can be found in these reference letters provided by my supervisors.

Daniele Cucurachi
Daniele Cucurachi
Computational Physicist

I am a computational physicist interested in a wide range of exciting problems ranging from machine learning to quantum computing. On the side, I collaborate with Scientifica VC, a venture capital firm specializing in deep tech startups.